The Brady Bunch was a beloved American television show that aired from 1969 to 1974. The show followed the lives of the Brady family, a blended family with six children, as they navigated the ups and downs of family life. The show’s popularity has endured over the years, and many fans are curious about where the cast members are now. Here’s a look at the cast of The Brady Bunch and what they’re up to today:
- Florence Henderson (Carol Brady)
Florence Henderson played the iconic role of Carol Brady, the matriarch of the Brady family. After the show ended, Henderson continued to act in a variety of television shows and movies. She also hosted her own talk show, The Florence Henderson Show, and appeared on Dancing with the Stars in 2010. Henderson passed away in 2016 at the age of 82.
- Robert Reed (Mike Brady)
Robert Reed played the role of Mike Brady, the patriarch of the Brady family. After The Brady Bunch ended, Reed continued to act in television and film. He passed away in 1992 at the age of 59.
- Barry Williams (Greg Brady)
Barry Williams played the role of Greg Brady, the oldest son in the Brady family. After the show ended, Williams continued to act in television and film. He also released several albums and wrote a memoir about his experiences on The Brady Bunch. Williams currently lives in Branson, Missouri, where he performs in a variety of musical shows.
- Maureen McCormick (Marcia Brady)
Maureen McCormick played the role of Marcia Brady, the eldest daughter in the Brady family. After the show ended, McCormick struggled with addiction and personal issues. She has since become a motivational speaker and advocate for mental health awareness. McCormick also appeared on Dancing with the Stars in 2016.
- Christopher Knight (Peter Brady)
Christopher Knight played the role of Peter Brady, the middle son in the Brady family. After the show ended, Knight became a successful businessman, starting several companies in the technology and home improvement industries. He has also continued to act in television and film.
- Eve Plumb (Jan Brady)
Eve Plumb played the role of Jan Brady, the middle daughter in the Brady family. After the show ended, Plumb continued to act in television shows and movies. She also pursued a career as a painter, and her artwork has been displayed in galleries around the world.
- Susan Olsen (Cindy Brady)
Susan Olsen played the role of Cindy Brady, the youngest daughter in the Brady family. After the show ended, Olsen became a graphic designer and worked in the entertainment industry as a producer and director. She has also worked as an animal welfare advocate and hosts a radio show about pets.
In conclusion, the cast of The Brady Bunch has gone on to lead diverse and interesting lives after the show ended. From acting and music careers to business ventures and advocacy work, the cast members have continued to make their mark on the world in their own unique ways.